
Invest in Your Education through Quality Preparation

You want to TEACH and we want to HELP you get started. Begin your teacher education preparation at NLC.

We offer an Associate of Arts in Teaching (A.A.T.) which is fully transferable to all public, four-year institutions in Texas. Earn your first 60 credits with us, graduate, and transfer to the university of your choice to complete your teacher education program.

Education classes include Education 1300, 1301, and 230.

More Information


Carmona, Daisy
Assistant Professor of English
Phone: 210.486.5296
Office: Salado Hall 317

Hager, Angela
Professor of English
Phone: 210.486.5469
Office: Salado Hall 316 B

Dr. Maldonado, Michele
Professor of Education
Phone: 210.486.5325 
Office: Salado Hall 314A